Worth Sharing

Breaking Beats: AlphaTheta Brand Launched, End of Pioneer DJ?
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Breaking Beats: AlphaTheta Brand Launched, End of Pioneer DJ?

AlphaTheta Corporation, parent company of Pioneer DJ, recently announced the release of new products under the AlphaTheta brand. Naturally, the DJ community at large had a lot of questions regarding the future of Pioneer DJ.

How to Choose Speakers for Small Events - Part 1
How to Prepare for a DJ Gig
382 view(s)

How to Prepare for a DJ Gig

How To Change Your GOBO Projector Slides
208 view(s)

How To Change Your GOBO Projector Slides

GOBOs are a great way to liven up your lighting display! Join Matt as he takes you through the steps to change out a GOBO in different types of light fixtures.

Special Effects Lasers - Learning the Basics
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Special Effects Lasers - Learning the Basics

Lasers are mysterious, exciting, and visually captivating, which is exactly why you should get them! IDJNOW, along with Jonathan Schwille from Healy Sales, takes a look at some great offerings from X-Laser that would benefit any entertainer, the Caliente Aurora and the LaserCube WiFi.

Choosing The Right Snow Machine For Your Event
1028 view(s)

Choosing The Right Snow Machine For Your Event

Nothing creates a magical atmosphere quite like snow. So why not introduce that magic into your productions? IDJNOW takes a look at snow machines and highlights various models guaranteed to add a little magic to your shows, parties, and events.

Sound Advice on Portable PA Systems
Social Distancing While DJing – Are We The Crowd Police?
Roadies – What Are They Worth To You?
Love Marquee Letters for Weddings
249 view(s)

Love Marquee Letters for Weddings

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