Despite misleading rumors, Pioneer DJ is here to stay.

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Despite misleading rumors, Pioneer DJ is here to stay.
  DJs and music enthusiasts, you can rest easy. Pioneer DJ is not going anywhere except up. According to a recent statement released by John Powell, President of Pioneer DJ America, the DJ controllers and pro audio electronics giant has never been more solid. "In 2015, Pioneer DJ separated from Pioneer Corporation (car and home audio) becoming a completely separate entity, focusing on the electronic music industry. Despite recent articles, our mission to continuously innovate and inspire people globally will continue in 2019 and beyond. We are committed to investing in the industry and inspiring creativity in DJs and artists through the support of product development and production. As a result, our business continues to demonstrate positive growth thanks to the ongoing support of our customers. We look forward to delivering more innovative products and a very exciting future in the electronic music industry. Thank you." — John Powell, President, Pioneer DJ Americas The Pioneer DJ product range comprises DJ mixers, decks, headphones, effects units, all-in-one consoles, DJ software controllers, monitor speakers and various accessories. The current professional grade consoles can be seen in DJ booths all over the world.   Check out our complete collection of Pioneer DJ items.    
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