Q&A Sessions: DJ Christie

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Q&A Sessions: DJ Christie

As an accomplished professional DJ based in Connecticut, DJ Christie has captivated audiences throughout the United States and around the world. From Connecticut residencies, to gigs in the Netherlands, DJ Christie has made great strides over the past 10 years establishing herself as a noted open format DJ on the East Coast. We spoke with DJ Christie about gear, wedding gigs, LGBTQIA+ events, and more!

I DJ NOW: How did you get started?

DJ C: I started my individual career in music about 10 years ago and it’s been quite a journey since then. I would say within the last 5 years is when my DJing has gone from more of a hobby to transitioning into a career. I have established residencies, I have traveled, and I’ve also begun to do this on a full-time basis. So, definitely the last 5 years have been some of the most exciting in terms of my career as a DJ.

IDJ: What’s your musical background?

DJ C: Growing up in a Hispanic household, I was always around loud Latin music [and] instruments. I also sort of bask in my Hispanic culture which has surrounded me my entire life so Latino artists and Latin music has been sort of a bedrock in terms of my musical foundation. I played piano as a little kid; I took lessons. My uncle was a drummer. I do play a small little bit of drums, a little bit of guitar, a little bit of keyboards. I really do enjoy all sorts of music. I wish I played more, but those are probably the three that I can dabble in a bit of. I was always influenced by none other than Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Other DJs, such as DJ Ragoza who is an amazing local turntablist, which has pushed me to strive to emulate his style and even reaching out to him and creating a friendship with him has been something that has been a highlight for my growth and my overall potential as a DJ so those are exciting connections for me.

IDJ: Do you enjoy collaborating?

DJ C: Having creative outlets have been some of the most rewarding experiences for me as a DJ and I love collaborating with other female DJs and other female musicians. I believe there is power in women playing together and women doing anything together. Over the past few years, I’ve had experiences where I’ve played with a percussionist or collaborating with another DJ. I’ve had a few experiences in New Orleans, shout out to DJ Jess, and Atlanta, GA, shout out to DJ Amethyst, with these amazing female DJs who have allowed me to come down and collaborate with them. So, that’s something that I really can say that I enjoy in terms of a creative outlet and a little bit of a divert way to create a DJ set.

IDJ: Where do you perform?

DJ C: As a DJ, I do have experiences both here in the United States as well as internationally. Some of the residencies that I have picked up over the years have been Coyote Ugly in New York City. Still really great friends with the original Coyote’s that I started performing with. I’ve played, again, in New Orleans, in Atlanta, GA, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, here in Connecticut, internationally as well. I actively do outreach on my Instagram every week and three years ago, when I was able to submit my information to be a DJ at an international CrossFit competition called “The Dutch Throwdown”, the next day I got a call. I was being invited to the Netherlands to be the resident DJ which led to me meeting my friend DJ Jack in Eindhoven, where I was able to DJ Salsa [music] at a very amazing Latin club, and I have been the resident DJ of the Dutch Throwdown for a few years, and I’m looking forward to going back post-COVID. It’s just been an amazing journey in terms of outreach and seeing the result of my outreach.

IDJ: Do public events differ from private ones?

DJ C: The difference between private performance and public performance is quite stark in my opinion. It’s almost like two different animals. I really do enjoy going out to the club and performing for people of all ages, all creeds, all nationalities. It’s something that I think all DJs thrive on, that energy you receive from a late-night crowd. And then there are private events and wedding’s where it’s a little bit different. They’re more structured, there is more of a relationship between the client and DJ that has to kind of develop. Starting in the wedding industry just last year, I’ve been super lucky to have acquired amazing clients and I’m looking forward to doing more. So, more of both: clubs and private events. But I do really enjoy getting dinner at weddings and also desert, so I’d have to say private events are my favorite for now.

IDJ: How about LGBTQIA+ events?

DJ C: As a member of the LGBTQ community myself, I have had many opportunities within the community to create residencies, to create different events, and that’s something that I pride myself on. Especially being an LGBTQ DJ in this day and age, I feel like it’s more of a strength to offer that representation to the wedding industry and private event industry. I have, for the past 10 years, solidified my course of my career as a DJ in the gay club scene here in Connecticut, as well as New York City. I absolutely love performing during New York City Pride. It’s an event where everyone gets together, and we celebrate everyone’s differences in one gigantic day of bliss in my opinion. So, being able to offer that representation is something that I’m super excited to bring to the wedding industry, to the club industry, this coming year as well as the next years to come.

IDJ: What’s your go-to gear?

DJ C: My gear right now is pretty simple. I don’t like to overdo it. I have two [Electro-Voice EVOLVE 50s] which are fantastic. I recommend them to most people, but especially people like me if you’re not the strongest and you don’t have all the muscle, it really helps with my setup and breakdown time. I play on an [Pioneer] SRT1000 right now. My personal odd favorite controller that I use is my [Pioneer DDJ] SB3, and the reason why is portability and that’s what I use to play on overseas if I’m not being provided a controller. They’re small, light, and they fit in a suitcase so why not? But yeah, right now that’s my basic setup, and EV [EVOLVE] 50’s and EV [EVOLVE] 30’s are what I primarily use during my weddings and private events.

IDJ: What are your upcoming projects?

DJ C: There are upcoming projects that I’m excited about. I’ll be beginning a 3-month residency at a place called Geronimo which is a tequila bar in New Haven, CT. I’m also going to be playing New Years Day at Coyote Ugly, at their new location in Manhattan. Coming up I have many weddings during the Spring and Summer. Anywhere really, the tri-state area, even farther internationally. I’m looking forward to everything that this new year, 2022, has to come.

For more information on DJ Christie, check out the links below.






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