
Founded in 1930, Electro-Voice (or “ EV”) has been a pioneer in the audio world, releasing innovative microphones, PA systems, loudspeakers, and other hi-fi equipment. After the Great Depression, Lou Burroughs and Albert R. Khan saw an opportunity to design quality microphones at affordable prices, and they assembled each one by hand. By World War II, the company had built noise-canceling headphones and microphones for use in fighter planes, tanks, and battleships. After the war, Electro-Voice speakers became a core aspect of their business. Today, EV has built an audio legacy, with a huge range of wired and wireless microphones, speaker packages, and power amplifiers. To learn more about our selection of Electro-Voice DJ equipment, chat with us online, call 1-800-355-7746, or visit one of our showrooms.
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