ProX X-SPACEX-TR Wireless Transceiver 2.4G DMX-512 USITT


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This model is designed for any stage lighting with DMX-512 Protocol to transmit standard DMX512 data between lights controllers wirelessly. The innovation of this product really brings us convenience for installation. These products are adapted with 2.4G ISM frequency, which is global opening and without any limitations. It is high effective GFSK modulate, communication design, 126 channels jumping frequency automatically and high anti-jamming ability.

ProX X-SPACEX-TR Wireless Transceiver Features:

    • 512 channel DMX data testing & monitor.
    • 16 groups ID code for setting.
    • 2x 16 byte LCD to display working condition.
    • Working frequency AAA2.4G ISM, 126 channels.
    • Capable of operating as a transmitter or a receiver.
    • Up to 500 wireless feet (open line of sight.)

ProX X-SPACEX-TR Product Specifications:

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Each X-SPACEX-TR Retail Box Includes:

(1) ProX X-SPACEX-TR Wireless Transceiver 2.4G DMX-512 USITT

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